sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

Rothenberger 2007

Beecham helped Walter Legge underwrite the creation of the Philarmonia Orchestra, and conducted its premiere concert on 25 October, 1945. Later, Legge raised the matter of Beecham's fee, to which he replied: "The privilege of directing this magnificent consort of artists is such that my pleasure would be diminished if I accepted a fee. I would, however, gladly accept a decent cigar"

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

Jurinac 2007

I have always enjoyed dealing with a slightly surrealistic situation and presenting it in a realistic manner. I've always liked fairy tales and myths, magical stories. I think they are somehow closer to the sense of reality one feels today than the equally stylized "realistic" story in which a great deal of selectivity and omission has to occur in order to preserve its "realist" style. - Stanley Kubrick

quarta-feira, 8 de julho de 2009

Koeman 2008

Magic is not science, it is a collection of ways to do things — ways that work but often we don't know why.

~ Robert A. Heinlein ~
in Glory Road

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

Björn Andrésen 2008

The demons are innumerable, arrive at the most inappropriate times and create panic and terror... but I have learned that if I can master the negative forces and harness them to my chariot, then they can work to my advantage.... Lilies often grow out of carcasses' arseholes.- Ingmar Bergman

segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2009

McNamara 2009

The Natural History Museum is open to the public on Tuesdays and Fridays. Elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus; extraordinary animals! Rubens rendered them marvellously. I had a feeling of happiness as soon as I entered the place and the further I went the stronger it grew. I felt my whole being rise above commonplaces and trivialities and the petty worries of my daily life.- Delacroix (diário)

sábado, 4 de julho de 2009

Hinojosa 2008

La vida es ciervo herido,
que las flechas le dan alas.
- Luis de Gongora

terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009

Bausch 2008

Chi non sa che senza le donne sentir non si po contento o satisfazione alcuna in tutta questa nostra vita, la quale senza esse saria rustica e priva d'ogni dolcezza e piú aspera che quella dell'alpestre fiere? Chi non sa che le donne sole levano de' nostri cori tutti li vili e bassi pensieri, gli affanni, le miserie e quelle turbide tristezze che cosí spesso loro sono compagne? -
Baldessare Castiglione

segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009

Chaumette 2008

Le coeur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point. On le sent en mille choses. C'est le cœur qui sent Dieu, et non la raison. Voilà ce que c'est que la foi parfaite, Dieu sensible au cœur. - Pascal

sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009

Stamitz 2004

If you are serious about your religion, if you really wist to commit yourself to the spiritual quest, you must learn how to use psychochemicals. Drugs are the religion of the twenty-first century. Pursuing the religious life today without using psychedelic drugs is like studying astronomy with the naked eye because that's how they did it in the first century A.D., and besides telescopes are unnatural.- Timothy Leary

quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2009

Cotman 2008

There is nothing ugly; I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may, — light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.

~ John Constable ~

sábado, 6 de junho de 2009

Mompou 2008

Dada est notre intensité ; qui érige les baïonnettes sans conséquence la tête Sumatrale du bébé allemand ; Dada est l'art sans pantoufles ni parallèles ; qui est contre et pour l'unité et décidément contre le futur ; nous savons sagement que nos cerveaux deviendront des coussins douillets que notre anti-dogmatisme est aussi exclusivité que le fonctionnaire que nous ne sommes pas libres et que nous crions liberté Nécessité sévère sans discipline ni morale et crachons sur l'humanité. Dada reste dans le cadre européen des faiblesses, c'est tout de même de la merde, mais nous voulons désormais chier en couleurs diverses, pour orner les jardins zoologiques de l'art, de tous les drapeaux des consulats do do bong hiho aho hiho aho.

La Première aventure céleste de Monsieur Antipyrine - Tristan Tzara (1916)

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009

Barr 2008

Serenely full, the epicure would say,
Fate cannot harm me, I have dined today. - Sidney Smith

domingo, 31 de maio de 2009

Haydn 2009

- Children be comforted, I am well.
(Haydn's last words were said to his house servants, at 31st May, 1809, during a dreadful bombardment as Napoleon's troops layed siege upon Vienna.)

sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

Agrippa 2009

Tu quoque, Brute! sive Etiam tu, mi fili Bruti! sive Kai sy, teknon! sive Ara kai sy, teknon!

- Gaio Júlio César

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

Cortez 2004

"Tlalticpac toquichtin ties" (del náhuatl, "La tierra será como sean los hombres") - provérbio mexicano

quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009

Widor 2004

Source: Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest Philosophers (1926) [Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books, 1991, ISBN 0-671-73916-6] Ch. II: Aristotle and Greek Science; part VII: Ethics and the Nature of Happiness: "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation: we do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have these because we have acted rightly; 'these virtues are formed in man by his doing the actions'; we are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit: 'the good of man is a working of the soul in the way of excellence in a complete life... for as it is not one swallow or one fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed and happy'" (p. 76). The quoted phrases within the quotation are from the Nicomachean Ethics, Book II, 4; Book I, 7. The misattribution is from taking Durant's summation of Aristotle's ideas as being the words of Aristotle himself.

terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009

Karl Buchholz 2004

A Livraria Buchholz, lugar de referência do nosso (pequeno) universo cultural

encontra-se em situação de pré-falência. Agradece-se a todos quantos a
frequentaram que a voltem a visitar, de vez em quando. Comprar um livro que não
se encontra em mais lado nenhum pode, eventualmente, ajudar a reerguê-la.
Agradece-se que passem esta informação aos amigos e interessados. A Buchholz é uma livraria com história.
Foi fundada em 1943 pelo livreiro alemão Karl Buchholz,que deixou Berlim depois
da sua galeria de arte e livraria terem sido destruídas pelos bombardeamentos.
A actividade de Buchholz era incompatível com o regime de Berlim, nomeadamente a
venda de autores considerados proscritos, como Thomas Mann.
No entanto, a relação de Buchholz com o regime era algo dúbia pois tanto
compactuava em manobras de propaganda alemã como salvava da fogueira obras de
Picasso e Braque,condenadas pela fúria nazi.
No início, a livraria estava situada em Lisboa na Av. da Liberdade e só em 1965
se instalou na R. Duque de Palmela.
O interior foi projectado pelo próprio livreiro ao estilo das livrarias da sua
terra natal. O espaço estende-se por três andares unidos por uma escada de
caracol, com recantos e sofás que proporcionam uma intimidade dos leitores com
os livros.
A madeira das escadas, chão e estantes torna o espaço acolhedor e agradável.
Durante os anos 60, a tertúlia artística lisboeta - entre eles, Escada, Noronha
da Costa, Eduardo Nery e Malangatana - passou pela cave da Buchholz, que
funcionou como galeria até 1974.
Hoje, a galeria continua a ser uma referência cultural com um público fiel que
preza o espaço de convívio que a livraria sugere. A selecção dos títulos é vasta
e inclui várias áreas: artes, ciência, humanidades, literatura portuguesa e
estrangeira, livros técnicos e infantis, na cave funciona uma secção de música
clássica e etnográfica. Apesar de não ser especializada em nenhuma área, a
secção dedicada à ciência política é frequentada por muitos políticos da nossa
A Buchholz acolhe ainda eventos especiais como lançamentos de livros, sessões de
leitura, e o "Domingo Especial" que são os saldos anuais da livraria, uma vez
por ano, no último domingo de Novembro.
Na Buchholz on-line pode percorrer as estantes da livraria sem sair de casa e
ainda encomendar livros nacionais e alguns estrangeiros.
TELEFONE: 213170580
LOCAL: Lisboa, R. Duque de Palmela, 4
HORÁRIOS: Segunda a sábado das 09h00 às 18h00 (encerra sáb. às 13h).

segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2009

Von Weichs 2008

We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Soviet High Command all forces on land, sea, and in the air who are at this date under German control.
2) The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at that time. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.
3) The German High Command will at once issue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Soviet High Command.
4) This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to Germany and the German armed forces as a whole.[ 2 ]
5) In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Soviet High Command will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate. (The German Surrender Act - 1945)

sábado, 23 de maio de 2009

Al-Muthamid 2008

Carles li reis nostre empe magnes
Set anz tuz pleins ad estet en espaigne
Tresquen la mer cunquist la tere altaigne.
Ni ad castel ki devant lui remaigne
Mur ne citet ni est remes a fraindre
Fors sarraguce ki est en une muntaigne.
Li reis marsilie la tient ki deu nen aimet
Mahumet sert e apollin recleimet
Nes poet guarder que mals ne li ateignet.

Li reis marsilie esteit en sarraguce.
Alez en ÷ en un verger suz lumbre
Sur un perrun de marbre bloi se culchet
Envirun lui plus de vint milie humes.
Il en apelet e ses dux e ses cuntes
Oez seignurs quel pecchet nus encumbret
Li empe carles de france dulce
En cest pais nos est venuz cunfundre.
Jo nen ai ost qui bataille li dunne
Ne nai tel gent ki la sue derumpet.
Cunseilez mei cume mi savie hume
Si me guarisez e de mort et de hunte.
Ni ad paien ki un sul mot respundet
Fors blancandrins de castel de valfunde.

(Le Chanson de Roland)

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009

Ming, the Merciless 2008

En la película, el papel protagonista es el de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, interpretado por Charlton Heston; su prometida doña Jimena es Sofía Loren; el Conde Ordóñez es Raf Vallone; Urraca, la hermana de Alfonso VI, es Geneviève Page; el rey Alfonso VI de León es John Fraser; Hurd Hatfield es Arias; Massimo Serato es Fáñez, sobrino de Rodrigo; Frank Thring es Al Kadir, rey de Valencia; Michael Hordern es Don Diego, el padre de Rodrigo; Andrew Cruickshank es el Conde Gormaz; Douglas Wilmer es el rey de Zaragoza, Al-Mutamin; Tullio Carminati es Al Jarifi; Gary Raymond es el Príncipe Sancho; y Herbert Lom es Ben Yussuf.

domingo, 17 de maio de 2009

Herzl 2004

« La vraie philosophie se moque de la philosophie ». Avec Deleuze l'assertion de Pascal prend une dimension nouvelle : la vraie philosophie n'aime pas la philosophie. Ou plutôt le vrai philosophe n'aime pas philosopher. Non pas que le philosophe supplante sa discipline pour devenir un Penseur qui n'a que faire des carcans philosophiques, comme voulait le dire Pascal, mais avec Deleuze le philosophe souffre de philosopher. Ni au-delà, ni en deçà, mais de manière frontale le philosophe deleuzien en découd et s'affronte pour connaître la vérité. Plus « anti-sophique » que « philo-sophique », sa démarche n'est plus celle d'un amoureux du savoir, ni même celle du philosophe de Pascal qui s'ignore, mais celle d'un penseur malgré lui. La Recherche atteste que toute vérité est vérité du temps. Faire œuvre de philosophie chez Proust, revient à y passer sa vie. La patience, le temps qui s'écoule, et la vérité qui prend forme avec une extrême lenteur : l'œuvre colossale de Proust est de la dimension d'une vie entière. Toute une vie pour, à son accomplissement, comprendre le sens de l'écoulement du temps. Bien ingrate démarche. Philosophie : amour de la sagesse, ami du savoir. Proust oppose au binôme philosophie/amitié le couple art/amour. Il fait un parallèle entre l'amitié et la philosophie, qui réside dans la complaisance. Une amitié de complaisance c'est-à-dire une communauté topique d'intérêts, une direction convenue en bonne intelligence. Un sens commun. De même que la philosophie, en tant qu'amie de la sagesse, ne peut que connaître une sagesse amicale, au détriment d'une vérité hostile. Ainsi « la philosophie comme l'amitié ignore les zones obscures où s'élaborent les forces effectives qui agissent sur la pensée, les déterminations qui nous "forcent" à penser2 ». Plus important que la pensée, il y a ce qui donne à penser. Plus important qu'Israël, il y a le sentiment Israël. Sans le vouloir, en luttant même contre parfois, s'est imposé à Herzl le sentiment Israël. L'amour de la philosophie chez Deleuze s'apparente plus au sentiment amoureux passionnel et destructeur, qu'à l'amour en tant que bonne disposition pour la sagesse, ou discipline de prédilection. « Le leitmotiv du Temps retrouvé c'est le mot "forcer" ; des impressions qui nous forcent à regarder, des rencontres qui nous forcent à interpréter, des expressions qui nous forcent à penser3 ». Swann subit ces réminiscences, il n'est pas libre de les choisir, elles lui sont données telles quelles. Ce qui donne à penser ce sont les signes. Les signes qui additionnés forment le faisceau d'indices, le dessin fumigène de la vérité. Et le signe procède d'une rencontre fortuite, et non désirée pour le cas de Herzl. Le sens, enclos dans le signe, éclos dans l'Idée. C'est la jalousie qui pousse Swann à découvrir, au hasard d'une impression, la vérité qu'il redoute, et non pas l'amour de cette vérité. Le philosophe pré-deleuzien traque la vérité. Le philosophe de Deleuze, lui, est un chasseur à l'affût ; il attend le signe, l'opportunité, mais ne cherche pas en amont ce qu'il découvre en aval. Avant Deleuze, la philosophie s'entendait d'un raisonnement a priori : « en philosophie, l'intelligence vient toujours avant ». Or, au contraire « le propre des signes, c'est qu'ils font appel à l'intelligence en tant qu'elle vient après ».

Gyslain Di Caro in Theodor Herzl sur le divan de Gilles Deleuze

quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2009

Ahmed Riza 2008

In regards to nationalism, the Young Turks underwent a gradual transformation. Beginning with the Tanzimat with non-Turkish members participating at the outset, the Young Turks embraced the official state ideology - Ottomanism. However, Ottoman patriotism failed to strike root during the first constitutional era and the following years. Many non-Turkish Ottoman intellectuals rejected the idea because of its exclusive use of Turkish symbols. Turkish nationalists gradually gained the upper hand in politics, and following the 1902 Congress, a stronger focus on nationalism developed. It was at this time that Ahmed Riza chose to replace the term "Ottoman" with "Turk". However, it was not until 1904 that nationalism came to be based on a scientific theory, and following the Japanese victory over Russia, the Young Turks began to base their nationalism on the pseudo-scientific race theories of Europe.

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

Davout 2004

I picked up a Polaroid camera for $1 at a garage sale thinking I could add a pinhole and have a pinholaroid. I didn’t find any good online tutorials, and feeling confident after building my Digital Pinhole Camera, I decided to figure it out as I went. Keep reading to learn how to turn a cheap Polaroid camera into a cheap polaroid pinhole camera…

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009

Tricomalee 2009

04/24/2009 :: 02:59:41 PM

Does any one know if it’s true that Perry Smith left everything he owned to Truman Capote when he was executed for his part in murdering the Clutter family? If so,does any one know what happened to it all or is there a Truman Capote museum any where that would have any of this on display?

Sisley 2008

"What about the black line?" cried the American, triumphantly pushing back a wisp of hair which nearly fell in his soup. "You don't see a black line round objects in nature."
"Oh, God, send down fire from heaven to consume the blasphemer," said Lawson. "What has nature got to do with it? No one knows what's in nature and what isn't! The world sees nature through the eyes of the artist. Why, for centuries it saw horses jumping a fence with all their legs extended, and by Heaven, sir, they were extended. It saw shadows black until Monet discovered they were coloured, and by Heaven, sir, they were black. If we choose to surround objects with a black line, the world will see the black line, and there will be a black line; and if we paint grass red and cows blue, it'll see them red and blue, and, by Heaven, they will be red and blue."
"To hell with art," murmured Flanagan. "I want to get ginny."
Lawson took no notice of the interruption.
"Now look here, when Olympia was shown at the Salon, Zola--amid the jeers of the Philistines and the hisses of the pompiers, the academicians, and the public, Zola said: `I look forward to the day when Manet's picture will hang in the Louvre opposite the Odalisque of Ingres, and it will not be the Odalisque which will gain by comparison.' It'll be there. Every day I see the time grow nearer. In ten years the Olympia will be in the Louvre."
"Never," shouted the American, using both hands now with a sudden desperate attempt to get his hair once for all out of the way. "In ten years that picture will be dead. It's only a fashion of the moment. No picture can live that hasn't got something which that picture misses by a million miles."
"And what is that?"
"Great art can't exist without a moral element."
"Oh God!" cried Lawson furiously. "I knew it was that. He wants morality." He joined his hands and held them towards heaven in supplication. "Oh, Christopher Columbus, Christopher Columbus, what did you do when you discovered America

W. Somerset Maughan - Of Human Bondage

quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2009

Picollomini 2008

Lorsque la guerre a éclaté, Zweig a fui. Malgré les demandes insistantes de nombreux contemporains, il a refusé de prendre parti ouvertement contre le nazisme : à part quelques textes ou conférences, il est resté silencieux. Il a cependant aidé certaines familles à s'échapper, par exemple en leur donnant de l'argent. Enfin, son suicide a été vu par certains comme une preuve de lâcheté et de désespoir, qu'en sa qualité d'homme public, il n'avait pas le droit de donner, d'autant que c'était une des personnes qui - en apparence tout du moins - souffrait le moins de la guerre, réfugié qu'il était en Angleterre puis au Brésil (sur ce dernier point voir la dernière pages des "Aspects de Stefan Zweig", intitulée "Réflexions" : ce qu'on dit certains de ses contemporains en apprenant son suicide.).

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

Sorolla 2008

É um novo blog com início QUARTA-FEIRA, 14 DE JANEIRO DE 2009.
É colectivo e anónimo (seis pseudónimos), o que se percebe porque o quintal é muito pequeno e tem estado demasiado armadilhado. Não sei quem são e descobri-os por acaso.
O nome é estranho, ou mesmo algo preocupante: O INFINITO AO ESPELHO (vermo-nos ao espelho é monótono e limitado; e o finito pode ser ainda mais atraente) : por que não o finito à janela ? para usar a velha diferença entre mirrors and windows (John Szarkowski, 1978), ambos "concerned with the pursuit of beauty: that formal integrity which pays homage to the dream of meaningful life." (J.S.)
Espero que seja para continuar: http://infinitoaoespelho.blogspot.com/

in www.alexandrepomar.typepad.com