quarta-feira, 26 de maio de 2010

Maritain 2007

Be as ironical as you like about Theosophy, yet since, as nothing in the universe can help as truly to prove anything whatever, and consequently to demonstrate the falsity of a religious belief, silence is best. Believe who can, that is all that can be said. Faith is impervious to all criticism. To believe is to feel there is an absolute, and he who believes knows. It is a question of Grace. The Jansenists were right. That is why on Sundays I often turn my 5 h.p. in the direction of Port-Royal-des-Champs (the high plateau of which serve as an aerodrome for the Farman Company), in the vague hope of somehow finding faith, or, failing which, its illusion, among the wings that float about the sky, miraculously almost. (Ozenfant – The Foudations of Modern Art, p.177)

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